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      俄羅斯鋁出口放緩 前4個(gè)月同比下降17 %

      2009年06月12日 14:53 4322次瀏覽 來(lái)源:   分類(lèi): 鋁資訊

       ?。丛拢保踩障ⅰ?jù)外媒報(bào)道,2009年前4個(gè)月,俄羅斯原鋁出口113.8萬(wàn)噸,同比下降17 % . 出口額共計(jì)18億美元,同比下降35.4%.     此前,俄政府已取消了鎳和銅5%的出口關(guān)稅,以努力幫助大型企業(yè)俄羅斯諾里爾斯克鎳業(yè)公司和其它的生產(chǎn)商以減少金融危機(jī)的影響。

        Slowdown signs - Russian aluminum exports slide in 4months
        Wednesday, 10 Jun 2009
        It is reported that Russia exported 1.138 million tons of aluminum to the CIS during the first 4 months down by 17%YoY than the same period in 2008.
        The total value of aluminum exports fell by 35.4% to USD 1.8 billion than in 2008.
        Russian government has abolished 5 percent export tariffs on nickel and copper cathode in an effort to help the leading producer Norilsk Nickel and other manufacturers to reduce the impact of financial crisis. [Sourced from YIEH]



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